家政服务员的仪表是指家政服务员的外在表象,即外观和外貌,家政服务员通过掌握一定的着装知识以及化妆技巧对自己的仪表进行修饰和设计,给人形成热情、诚实、朴素、勤奋的印象和感觉。家政服务员的服装虽然没有统一的规定 但也不是说家政服务的服装就可以随随便便。家政服务员在选择服装时,既要考虑职业特点,也要考虑自身特点,要与雇主家庭环境相协调,做到整洁得体。
Domestic workers clothing must be decent, neat and clean. Dress should not be too exposed to the body, too tight, not too thin, translucent or too bright.
2、着装注意事项:要勤洗勤换,保持服装干净整洁,特别要保持领口、袖口干净,不能出现服装上沾有脏物 污渍,甚至出现服装上有异味的现象 。
To frequent change and wash, keep clothing clean and tidy, especially to keep the collar, cuffs and clean, can not appear stained with dirt stains on clothing, even the smell of the clothing phenomenon.
Be careful and meticulous work, to prevent the clothing was hanging broken, Chelan, wear, hot holes or missing buttons and other things happen, we should always be ironing clothing, so clothing remains flat.
To pay attention to the different times, on different occasions, different job matching different dress, such as when you want to put on their aprons into the kitchen, put the cuff, can wear a hat or head scarf tie block.
Shoes and socks to wear neat and clean, good shoelaces are not allowed to wear shoes without socks, are not allowed to play barefoot, wearing rubber boots or slippers in the room, wander around,socks should be washed every day.