


更新时间:2016-07-08 14:59:42点击次数:1594次

1、济南月嫂介绍大多老年人认为菜水比白水好,把任何食物用水煮一下后,再把菜水让宝宝吃下去更健康。这是一种错误的观点, 而应该让宝宝多喝白开水,因为喝白开水有利于排泄代谢产物,会减轻宝宝的肾脏负担。
Most older people think Jinan Yuesao introduce water dish better than the white water to boil or after any food, water dish and then let your baby eat more healthy. This is a wrong point of view, but should let the baby drink plenty of water, because drinking water is conducive to the excretion of metabolites, will reduce the burden on the baby's kidneys.

Jinan Yuesao recommend gradually add baby cereal for six months after the best, because the baby in the gastrointestinal tract enzyme content of starch little weak digestive function.
Jinan Yuesao remind cause the baby does not love to eat for many reasons, parents should be good communication with the doctor, as far as possible to find the reason, but do not force eating, chasing eat, drink and play, not to give the baby to eat some snacks, in fact, this approach will be more to suppress appetite, leading to anorexia and feeding the baby is more difficult, is not conducive to healthy growth of babies.

Jinan Yuesao introduce general, infants 6 months old already started teething, but some baby teeth may be sooner or later, whether early or late teething, 5-6 months, you should add complementary , you can eat egg yolks, rice and other foods, it will be more conducive to the baby grow and develop.

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