济南月嫂介绍腹泻是指粪便水分及大便次数异常增加,通常24小时之内3 次以上,大便的性状比次数更重要,多次排出成型大便不是腹泻。纯母乳喂养的婴儿的大便比较稀、不定型,但不是腹泻。
Jinan Yuesao introduction diarrhea stool means an abnormal increase in water and stool frequency, usually within 24 hours, more than three times the stool traits more important than the number of times the discharge forming stool is not diarrhea. Exclusively breastfed infants stool relatively thin, not stereotypes, but not diarrhea.
Jinan Yuesao remind diarrhea if not add water easily cause dehydration, many patients with diarrhea deaths are caused by dehydration. Only by a simple oral rehydration method can be safe and effective in the treatment of various causes and more than 90% of patients of all ages with acute diarrhea. Oral rehydration salts to treat diarrheal dehydration in children with acute proven a preferred treatment, and simple ORS solution preparation, parents can be prepared at home. Its preparation method is sodium chloride (table salt) 3.5 g, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) 2.5 g, 1.5 g of potassium chloride, glucose, or sugar, 20 g, 1000 ml warm water. Formulated with the container washed and sterilized by boiling. You can also use other liquids to prevent dehydration in the home.
济南月嫂建议用法是患儿愿意喝多少就给多少,直到腹泻停止。小婴儿,可以使用点滴器或没有针头的注射器,每次少量地将溶液送入其口中。2岁以下的儿童应每1-2 分钟给予一茶匙溶液;较大儿童(和成人)可以直接从杯中少量多次地喝。对呕吐的宝宝,要少量多次的喂,每次喂20~30毫升,两次间隔5~10分钟,要一口一口地喂下,否则容易加重呕吐,也可喂一些含盐饮料,如含盐米汤或含盐酸奶,但应该避免给能够引起渗透性腹泻和高钠血症含糖饮料,如:市售含二氧化碳饮料、市售果汁、甜茶,当然明显的脱水还是应对去医院。
Jinan Yuesao recommend usage Give me what children are willing to drink until the diarrhea stops. Baby, you can not use the dropper or syringe needle, a small amount of the solution into each of its mouth. Children under 2 years of age should be given a solution of one teaspoon every 1-2 minutes; older children (and adults) can drink directly from the cup a few more times. Vomiting baby, I want to feed a few times, each feeding 20 to 30 ml, twice at intervals of 5 to 10 minutes, for a mouthful to feed, the otherwise easy to add to vomit, but also feed some salty drinks, such as those containing salt or salty yogurt soup, but it should be avoided to be able to cause osmotic diarrhea and hypernatremia sugary drinks, such as: commercial carbonated beverages, commercial fruit juices, sweet tea, and of course the obvious dehydration or respond to the hospital.